Seek Interact Dream is a project That i have been managing and directing since 2012. 
This project included Artworks, Fashion, visuals and research into Mental Health, Social and Political Issues. I have adopted this body of work not just as a creative output but as a philosophy. This project is my passion and will always be the root of me being an Artist.
The Brand was designed to be a lifestyle. I want people to be able to feel like they could engage with it openly.
I love collaborating ideas with people and hearing what they have to say. It could be anything; Ideas of Politics, Health, Love, Death to menial matters. I enjoy playing with ideas that make people tick and how we understand ourselves and others.
The clothing aspect of the brand I wanted to be as ethical as possible. The fabrics are all Organic Cotton, I spent a long time sourcing different samples till I found what I was happy with. I eventually would like them to be manufactured from Organic Hemp, this isn't an option for me yet but is one of the main focuses for the future. 
When I took pictures of my Clothing I wanted to make them look dream like with the way I colour graded them and effected them. Make them vivid images with subtle undertones on the skin colour and highlights. 
My middle name is Sidney and is where the name came from. It was after many months of playing around with many different variations of acronyms and ideas till I settled on Seek Interact Dream. This is an important philosophy for myself as an Artist. I believe that I must do these three things in order to keep happy, I feel its important for all of us to do it, it is a very basic Human need which I sometimes feel has got lost along the way for some people. I later Expanded Seek Interact Dream to; Seek the Truth, Interact and Respect and Dream of Love, This is very important for me and I enjoy hearing what others think of this idea as well.
Having recently taken part in a personal-development course in October 2019 I feel even more inspired to produce more SiD work. 

This was just made for instagram post, I shot the footage on my Iphone, I then colour graded and then animated lines using after effects and edited.

This is where it all began. This is the Character SiD. I first started developing this idea when I about 16 and the character went through many different drafts. I wasn't quite sure what I was creating at the time and how I would later then use the linear style of drawing that would define my personal style and that I continue to think of new ways to develop and grow it. I enjoy my time designing ideas inspired by SiD.
"My Body Is A Temple" This idea started when I was in my early 20's I went through many different drafts till I got to this one which eventually went onto a T-Shirt. It started from revisiting ideas I studied in Philosophy & Ethics, mainly those from Utilitarianism. I was looking at my own behaviours and others around me, the pursuit of happiness and enjoyment. I just feel we as humans are distracting ourselves too much from what is more important. We use Alcohol, Food, Cigarettes and Drugs as masks from our realities. What we are doing to our bodies in the pursuit of Hedonism and our greater good can be extremely detrimental, I am guilty of it, I am not trying to discourage people from their actions as would be hypocritical of me to do so I just wanted to create an honest reflection of how I felt about mainly what I was doing to my body to keep the Devils away and distract myself from the real issues within myself that I needed to stop. 
Media Is the Opiate of the People
I created this artwork is about the many aspects of ourselves with the slogan "I am the lesser evil, but evil none the less". Each aspect has a meaning. The slogan makes me think of how I have an impact on others and the world around me. I was exploring the idea of Narcissus the term originating from Greek mythology, young Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water. But outside of the pool how are we to others and the world, we are the lesser evil but some of our actions can be evil to others mainly without us knowing. It was a project mainly to highlight mind fullness and how we can have a negative effect on each other, and by having this realisation we can then rectify our evils.

"free as a bird ... But feels like prison"

this is a lyric from uk mc akala's song 'the edge'. i was introduced to akala by a close friend. i was inspired immediatley inspired by the level of wit of akala and subjects he rapped about. his album 'it's not a rumour' still to this day is still heavily played. The lyric "free as a bird ... but feels like prison" really resonated with me.there is so much scope within it, i made a start with this illustration of a pigeon that i am still in the process of editing in photoshop.

only half way through editing on photoshop. my process takes a long time to do.

Thank you for looking through the world of SiD. 
More Ideas to follow.

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