A door that I built in 2016 for festival "fools Paradise" this was used for promotional content to feature in videos and pictures, and then used at the festival itself. I had painted the boards blue so I could Key out and put visuals and videos within it.

working with the directors of Good Life for their festival "fools Paradise" in leeds, september 2016 i was asked to build a concept for video campaign for the artists that will be performing. I made a billboard out of weathered floorboards. I went through a few designs to make sure that the right effect was produced. the backboards we painted a light blue so i could key it out without effecting the greens of the woodlands. then was able to place any footage within the billboard. this video is in the Visuals page of my portfolio.

This stage concept was for a "fear and Loathing" party at the Oval Space in Hackney in 2018. I used props that were inspired by the different elements of the book and film. I wanted it to look as if this was a mixture of the hotel room in the iconic film. Colourful drapes used to make the stage stand out. The inflatable dinosaur and chameleon worked very well on the sides of the stage helping put focus on the DJ. there were hanging bats and Grapefruits dotted across the riser as well as footage that i had edited to loop on a small screen at the centre of the booth.

In 2017 Good Life was approached by Leefest (a small festival in kent) to host a tent/stage. I was then asked to come up with a concept, design and rig it. the tent was within the "jolly Roger" part of the festival so i wanted the concept to be as if it was a spice and opium traders tent. I had low hanging drapes with chinese lamps. the Dj riser was bamboo netting with decorative foliage.

I was asked by the good life's directors and head of production to mange the rigging and design of their event at camden assembly. I led a small team to rig decor to 2 rooms of camden assembly. the bottom floor was as if it was the seabed and the top floor was close to the surface. Downstairs was a mixture of bunting, camo netting, lights and fake foliage. The upstairs we had to rig within an hour of the show opening due to other commitments of that room before Good lifes event. once we were able to we rigged netting and jellyfish to the ceiling, avoiding all moving parts on the trusts and other objects that could not be covered. I worked closely with the lighting engineer to make sure only Blue, WHite, green and Purple were only used throughout the show. The stage itself was made up of props surrounding the Good Life lightbox. Netting, Ores and decorative tentacles were effective focal points on the stage, I also had a large inflatable tentacle placed on the left of the DJ stage to fill up any remaining space.

I was part of a team to rig the main room at this event for Good Life. We had to suspend large inflatable balls and dangling tinsel so it was safe above the crowd. I was also asked to construct 2 glitterball heads that were to be worn by performers during the show. they had to be safe and and comfortable to wear.

I was part of a small team of riggers and carpenters to build the "main Drag" at boomtown Fair. We worked closely with the head of design NAtasha Mortimer to produce her design work. we had to follow CAD and Sketch up blueprints putting together panels and props to create on of the main parts of the festival. We had to make sure everything was built safely and exact. everything was tested to make sure that the public will be safe within the environment. There was high risk to the work as we were working at heights of 50ft and climbing scaffolding. Once all of it was constructed it was amazing to see the transformation of the landscape. the build and the takedown took over 3 weeks so we had to live onsite. was hard work but was good fun to be part of a team to produce such work.